Prof. Van Ophoven

Prof. Van Ophoven


Prof. Arndt van Ophoven, MD PhD, was born and raised in Germany. He received his medical degree from the University of Muenster in 1995. He started his carrier at the Dept. of Urology at the University of Bochum. In 2002 he obtained a German specialist degree in Urology. Earlier from 1998 to 1999 he had become postdoctoral research fellow at the Dept. of Urology, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Hereafter he started working at the Dept. of Urology, University Hospital of Muenster.

In 2004 he became head of the section of Neuro-Urology at the University of Muenster and headed the newly established Academic Centre for Continence Care. In July 2008 he was appointed to Head of the Division of Neuro-Urology at the University Hospital Bochum, located in Germany’s busy Ruhr area. Prof. van Ophoven is currently lecturing Neuro-Urology at his home University of Bochum (RUB) and at the Dresden International University (DIU) within the nationally exclusive M.Sc. degree program “Management of Multiple Sclerosis”.

He is a member of many national and international societies including International Continence Society (ICS), International Spinal Cord society (ISCOS), American Urological Association (AUA), European Association of Urology (EAU), the Society for Infection and Inflammation in Urology, and the European Society for the Study of BPS/IC (ESSIC). He is an active member of various guideline groups on non-traumatic and inflammatory lower urinary tract dysfunctions including panels of the EAU, ICS and the International Conference on Incontinence (ICI).

Prof. van Ophoven’s clinical activities and interests focus on the treatment of voiding and pelvic floor dysfunctions including OAB, urogenital inflammation and pelvic pain syndromes with special emphasis on sacral and pudendal neuromodulation. Patients with refractory pain of the urinary bladder (interstitial cystitis) or of the pudendal nerve (pudendal neuralgia) consult him from all German-speaking countries as well as from abroad. Clinical research and numerous publications on innovative pharmacological and minimal-invasive treatment approaches to these conditions round off his profile.