Prof. Huygen

Prof. Huygen


Frank Huygen is working as an anesthesiologist pain specialist in the University Hospital “Erasmus Medical Centre” in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Since 2009 he is appointed as full Professor in Anesthesiology especially pain medicine at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is director of the center of pain medicine. This center is a multidisciplinary pain clinic specialized in acute, chronic benign and oncologic pain and palliative care.

Frank Huygen is graduated as fellow of interventional pain practice. He is especially interested in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. In 2004, he received a PhD on writing a thesis titled “Neuroimmune alterations in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”. He is responsible for and/or participating in several research lines focusing especially on CRPS and neuromodulation.

Since 2004 he supervised and finished successfully 5 PhD co-promotor ships and 15 promotor ships.

He authored over more than 200 peer reviewed articles, chapters in books and journals. He is involved in the education of medical students and responsible for the training of anesthesia residents and anesthesia fellows in pain treatment.

In 2011 he received the IASP research international collaboration grant. In January 2016 he received an honorary fellowship in the faculty of pain medicine in the college of anesthetists of Ireland.

In January 2013 Frank Huygen is appointed as member of the central disciplinary tribunal for healthcare.

In 2019 Frank Huygen chaired the scientific committee of the 11th EFIC world congress on pain in Valencia.